
Karak airdrop, backed by coinbase

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Karak is backed by institutions such as coinbase and have announced $48M Series A at $1B+ to accelerate universal security for @Ethereum and beyond

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Here is the invitation code: jSljS YBzMq 4TDoM qGFdu UwHQX.
  2. Visite Karak App Website.
  3. Enter an invite code (jSljS YBzMq 4TDoM qGFdu UwHQX)to access the Karak XP Program Early Access. Note: referral codes are case-sensitive.
  4. Once you redeem your invite code, you are redirected to the Karak onboarding page.
  5. Connect Wallet and once a wallet is connected, sign to confirm.
  6. Bridge from Arbitrum can be cheaper.
  7. Deposit some coins like:
    - Swell Ether, you can get swell pearls and karak xp and native staking rewards, you can find more swell airdrop informations here
    - Renzo Ether, you can get karak xp, ezPoints, eigenlayer points and native staking rewards, you can find more swell airdrop informations here
    - Puffer Ether,you can get karak xp, puffer points, eigenlayer points and native staking rewards, you can find more swell airdrop informations here
    - Mantle users can restake mETH and earn 2x Karak XP (yes 2x!) and native staking rewards

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