
Scroll airdrop, Scroll Sessions

Scroll start their new point system.Beginning with Session Zero, users can obtain Scroll Marks by bridging assets to Scroll.

To be eligible for Session Zero, bridge STONE using LayerZero to Scroll. Marks will be accrued by holding these assets on Scroll. No additional transactions or activities are required for Session Zero.No additional transactions or activities are required for Session Zero.

More details can be found here

  1. Visit the Stakestone website.
  2. Connect your wallet and sign message.
  3. You will need some ETH. You can get ETH on Binance with 20% discount or OKX with 20% discount.
  4. Click “SCROLL” tab -> Click “BRIDGE TO SCROLL” -> Click “ETH” -> Deposit Your Asset.
  5. STONE will first be minted with ETH, and bridged to Scroll. You will receive your STONE on the target chain several minutes after the transaction is confirmed.
  6. You can bridge STONE to Scroll, hold or use STONE on Scroll to gain Scroll Marks and STONE-W1 points.
  7. You can read this offical article to confirm that you can get Scroll airdrop.

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